Sadsad Tamesis Legal & Accountacy Firm
Human Resources Department
Katrina Trinidad
HR Officer II
Chloie Alvarado
HR Officer II
Nica Ella Cuevas
HR Assistant
Irene Mae Mojica
HR Assistant
Experienced Legal Attorneys
We have a reputation for providing an exceptional legal service. Our diversity in terms of skills, qualifications, interests and backgrounds results in a skilled, enthusiastic, energetic and innovative team that sets our firm apart from the rest
Seasoned Years of Experience
We started in year as De Guia, Tamesis & Sadsad Law Firm at the humble province of Marilao, Bulacan. To meet the demands of our clients from the Metro, we decided to put up another firm in Quezon City.
Defining Success
Superior legal skills and a commitment to integrity, excellence and hard work enable us to frequently exceed our clients’ expectations.