
Does gross negligence have to be habitual to be considered as just cause for dismissal?

Facts Lingganay was hired by the respondents as a bus driver sometime in 2013. In October 2013, he figured in an accident while driving the company bus along Maharlika Hi-way in Brgy. Concepcion, Quezon Province.  On 30 December 2016, Lingganay was involved in another accident—this time, with a motorcycle. On 01 May 2017, Lingganay again figured in an accident as he crashed into the rear portion of a Toyota Wigo while driving the company bus along the San Juanico Bridge, Samar.  On 29 May 2017, respondents decided to terminate Lingganay from Employment for transgressing the company rules and regulations on health and safety, i.e. “Violation 8.1.4 – Any form of laxity, reckless driving, and gross negligence, resulting to damages to property, injuries, death, and other casualties.”  This prompted Lingganay to file a complaint for illegal dismissal with money claims against respondents.  The Labor Arbiter (LA) ruled in favor of the respondents and dismissed Lingganay’s complaint, which the NLRC affirmed. The Court of Appeals (CA) agreed with the labor tribunals that Lingganay was validly dismissed  as he repeatedly violated the Health and Safety Rules of the Company, and also on the ground of gross and habitual neglect of duties in accordance with Art. 282 of the Labor Code.  Lingganay insists that even if he was indeed negligent in the performance of his tasks, it was not shown that his negligence was both gross and habitual, since his past mishaps were merely minor.  Hence, this present petition for review on certiorari.  Issue Whether or not Lingganay was validly dismissed from employment.  Ruling YES. The Supreme Court  (SC) held that respondents validly terminated Lingganay from employment for transgressing the company rules and regulations on health and safety, and for his gross and habitual neglect of his duties under Art. 297(b) of the Labor Code.  Furthermore, the SC declared that even assuming arguendo that the employee’s gross negligence was not habitual, the element of habituality may be dispensed with in instances when the recklessness caused substantial damage or loss to the employer.  Here, the infraction of Lingganay when he crashed into the Toyota Wigo caused substantial damage to the car in the amount of Php99,000.00 and to the company bus amounting to Ph6,500. Respondents were compelled to pay the full amount of Php99,000 just to avoid any possible legal suit against the company. This damage was so substantial that respondents cannot be legally compelled to continue his employment. 

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In case of doubt, in whose favor should an insurance claim dispute be resolved?

Doctrine: Insurers must not be allowed to delay the payment of claims by filing frivolous cases in court, hoping that the inevitable may be put off for years—or even decades—by the pendency of these unnecessary court cases Facts Romeo obtained an accident insurance policy from several insurance companies including Philam Life Insurance. One day, as he was coming out of the bathroom, Romeo tripped causing his right eye to hit the arm rest of a chair. He called out to his spouse, Luisa, who promptly rushed to his side Romeo was immediately brought to the clinic Dr. Villanueva. After a series of check-ups, he underwent an enucleation, a surgical procedure involving the removal of his right eye. On account of the surgery, he incurred medical expenses in the sum of PHP 31,060.00. Consequently, Romeo filed written notices of injury with the insurance companies. To his dismay, his claims were disapproved based on the joint affidavit of their former household helpers who denied the occurrence of the accident.  The disapproval of the claims prompted Romeo and Luisa (spouses Soriano) to lodge separate complaints before the RTC against the insurance companies for accident insurance proceeds, specific performance, damages, and attorney’s fees. During the trial, spouses Soriano presented themselves and Dr. Villanueva as witnesses. On the other hand, Philam Life proffered the testimony of the househelperand the medical opinion of Dr. Dr. Valenton, a credited physician of Philam Life. In due course, the RTC rendered its Judgment, dismissing the complaints based on the equipoise rule. Issue Whether or not the RTC erred in not granting Romeo the insurance proceeds? Ruling Yes. In civil cases, the quantum of evidence to be observed is preponderance of evidence. Preponderance of evidence means that the evidence adduced by one side is superior to or has greater weight than that of the other. It means that evidence which is more convincing to the Court as worthy of belief than that which is offered in opposition thereto.  Jurisprudence teaches that when the evidence of the parties are evenly balanced or when there is doubt on which side the evidence preponderates, the decision should be against the party with the burden of proof, according to the equipoise doctrine. Here, the RTC erred in applying the equipoise rule considering that the spouses Soriano were able to prove through preponderance of evidence that Romeo’s injury was caused by an accident, thus entitling him to the proceeds of the subject accident insurance policies. Their testimonies were sufficiently corroborated by the testimony of Dr. Villanueva, who clearly explained the findings he gathered in his examination of Romeo on January 29, 2001 or the day of the accident Determined to prove that Romeo was not entitled to the insurance benefits, PhilamLife raised Dr. Valenton ‘s medical opinion to controvert Dr. Villanueva’s testimony. It claims that Dr. Villanueva found no abrasion or hematoma. However, a perusal of Dr. Villanueva’s testimony plainly reveals that he “observed sub-conjunctival harmorhage, hemorrhage occuring in between the consubjunctival sclera of the eye. In contrast, Dr. Valenton, by his own admission, did not personally examine Romeo, but merely offered a different interpretation based on the findings made by Dr. Villanueva Hence, the Court ordered Philam Life, along with the other insurance companies, to pay jointly and severally actual damages or medical reimbursement to spouses Soriano in the amount of PHP 31,060.00 and the insurance proceeds for the permanent and irrecoverable loss of sight and of Romeo’s right eye.  In so ruling, the Court commiserated with the two-decade plight of spouses Soriano, surpassing the death of Romeo. Certainly, insurers must not be allowed to delay the payment of claims by filing frivolous cases in court, hoping that the inevitable may be put off for years—or even decades—by the pendency of these unnecessary court cases. They employ this period to benefit from collecting the interest and returns on both the premiums previously paid by the insured clients and the insurance proceeds which should otherwise go to their beneficiaries.  Philam Life’s deliberate delay in the payment of insurance proceeds and protracted litigation warrant the imposition of exemplary damages. This imposition serves as a warning to insurers or insurance companies of the consequences of unreasonably denying or delaying the payment of legitimate claims. Hence, aside from the insurance claim, Philam Life was also ordered to pay exemplary damages in the amount of PHP 50,000.00 with interest.

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Does hostile behavior towards an employee constitute as constructive dismissal?

Doctrine: Employer’s insulting words and hostile behavior toward an employee constitutes constructive dismissal Facts: In 2009, Bartolome was hired by Toyota Q. Ave as a marketing professional trainee of its Vehicle Sales Department. He became a regular employee in 2010, tasked in selling of Toyota’s cars, products, and services.  On December 2015, Bartolome received a Notice of Decision for Habitual Absences for October 2015 and a Notice of Explanation for the same offense for November 2015. He also received a notice putting him on a 7-day suspension for  another offense.  A meeting was set by management for the purpose and Bartolome brought his sibling along, who was a lawyer. After the meeting, he thought that the matter was settled but then the president of the company, in another meeting, uttered remarks against him, especially for bringing his sibling along.  This began a series of incidents which lead Bartolome to resign: These series of events and the hostile working environment become unbearable for him to continue working, and thereafter, he resigned.  Even when he was processing his clearance, he was treated like a stranger. His last pay did not include his commissions and his 13th month pay. ISSUE: Was Bartolome constructively dismissed?  YES. The foregoing chain of events created a hostile working environment that made it impossible and unbearable for petitioner to continue working for TQAI. On this score, we emphasize that these events were not even refuted by respondents themselves. In weighing the argument of the parties, it is important to examine the evidence presented. As substantial evidence, or “such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion,” the detailed series of events supported by documentary evidence of petitioner must be given credence over the general denial of the respondents. The uttered words of respondents against petitioner, contrary to the respondents’ allegation, are not self-serving statements. Here, petitioner’s account of the events which rendered his employment conditions unbearable, leaving him with no other choice but to resign, was “candid, straightforward[,] and categorical.” It came from matters of his own personal knowledge. It should not be brushed aside, more so since it was unrefuted by the other party and was even amply corroborated by documentary evidence. Verily, petitioner was constructively dismissed. Surely, the calculated and combined acts of his higher ups constitute acts of disdain and hostile behavior, supporting the conclusion that they were collectively easing out petitioner who consequently had no choice but leave his employment. This is constructive dismissal pure and simple. Though the labor arbiter found nothing extraordinary about the resignation letter as it did not exactly indicate a tone of anger nor some sense of ingratitude, the circumstance before the resignation would show that he did not contemplate nor had any intention of resigning from the company were it not for respondents’ hostile and disdainful actions. When he tried to process his clearance on April 21, 2016, he was treated like a “stranger-criminal” and subjected to undue harassment. Notably, the document titled “special release of claim and/or quitclaim” dated July 9, 2016, bore, beside his signature, the term “w/o prejudice.” It was an unequivocal reservation of his right to bring an action against respondents despite his execution thereof. Thus, merely 24 days after, on August 4, 2016, he filed a Complaint for illegal/constructive dismissal and money claims against respondents. Doubtless, his resignation was involuntary and bore a clear reservation to file an action against respondents.

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Is the absence of one spouse evidence of psychological incapacity?

Doctrine: Unjustified Absence from Marital Home Considered Psychological Incapacity Facts:  Leonora and Alfredo married on June 9, 1984. Their married life started smoothly, but Alfredo’s behavior later on changed. He would come home late or early morning after a night out with friends. He neglected his duty and did not provide food for the family. He treated Leonora as an ordinary occupant of the house, not as his wife. Alfredo also engaged in illicit affairs.  In 1994, they separated. The same year, Alfredo married another woman. Then in 2000, he married another one. Alfredo abandoned his family with Leonora and did not provide any financial support.  Leonora then filed a Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage. Dr. Ison, a clinical psychologist, found Alfredo to be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder with underlying borderline personality traits.  Issue: Whether or not Alfredo can be considered as psychologically incapacitated? Ruling:  Yes. After leaving his family in 1994 and contracting marriage with different women, Alfredo never gave financial support to his children and only visited them once for less than an hour. These indicate that he did not understand his obligations as a husband and father. Article 68 of the Civil Code provides: The husband and wife are obliged to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity, and render mutual help and support. Through Dr. Isons’s testimony who was presented as an expert witness, Leonora was able to prove that her husband Alfred’s psychological disorder is grave, incurable  and permanent. Dr. Ison explained how Alfredo’s personality disorder developed from his childhood and how it is collated to his inability to fulfill his obligations as a husband and father.  The gravity of his personality disorder is shown by his lack of recognition that he has responsibilities to his wife and children. The incurability of his disorder was also explained when Dr. Ison stated in his Judicial Affidavit that those diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder “strongly deny that they are mentally ill, reject the idea of seeking professional help and therefore refuse any form of psychiatric treatment.” Alfredo’s infidelity, failure to give support to his wife and children, and unjustified absence from his family are all indicative that he is not cognizant of his duties and responsibilities of a husband and father. Hence, the Petition was GRANTED.

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When can foreign divorce be recognized in the Philippines?

FACTS: On December 8, 2004, Ruby Cuevas Ng, a Filipino citizen, and Akihiro Sono, a Japanese national, contracted marriage in Quezon City. Their union bore them a child named Rieka Ng Sono.   After their marriage, the spouses moved to Japan. Unfortunately, their relationship turned sour and they later decided to obtain a divorce. Thus, on August 31, 2007, they secured a “divorce decree by mutual agreement” in Japan as evidenced by the Divorce Certificate issued by the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines. The DFA in Manila then provided an Authentication Certificate and a Certificate of Acceptance of Notification of Divorce. Likewise, the City Civil Registry Office of Manila released a Certification guaranteeing that the Divorce Certificate provided by the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines was filed and recorded in its office. So, too, the fact of divorce was duly recorded in the Civil Registry of Japan as exhibited by the original copy of the Family Registry of Japan bearing the official stamp of the Mayor of Nakano-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, and supported by its corresponding English translation. On May 28, 2018, Ruby filed a Petition for judicial recognition of foreign divorce and declaration of capacity to remarry before the QC RTC.    During the initial hearing, the RTC admitted all the documentary evidence submitted by Ruby for purposes of compliance with jurisdictional requirements.  The RTC also allowed her to present her evidence ex parte after making a declaration of general default.   On January 3, 2019, the RTC granted the Petition on the thrust of Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Family Code of the Philippines, ratiocinating that there was a valid divorce obtained by Ruby abroad.    Displeased, petitioner Republic of the Philippines, as represented by the OSG, moved for the reconsideration of the Decision, which was eventually denied by RTC. After, the OSG challenged the RTC Decision before the Supreme Court, arguing that the RTC gravely erred in judicially recognizing a foreign divorce that was obtained by mere mutual agreement between the spouses. It centers around how Ruby and Akihiro Sono obtained their divorce, positing that a “divorce by agreement” is not worthy of recognition in the Court’s jurisdiction. Clearly, for a foreign divorce to be recognized in the Philippines, it must be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction. The OSG further argued that Ruby failed to prove the foreign divorce law as she did not proffer an authenticated copy of the Japanese Civil Code or one held by the official repository of custodian of Japanese public laws and records. ISSUES: 1.WON the provision under Article 26(2) of the Family Code does not apply instant case as the divorce decree was obtained by mutual agreement and not through an adversarial proceeding in court; and ● WON Ruby was able to prove the applicable law on divorce in Japan. RULING: 1.No, Article 26(2) of the Family Code applies in the instant case.    At the onset, it bears stressing that Philippine laws do not provide for absolute divorce; hence, our courts cannot grant it. Nevertheless, jurisdiction is conferred on Philippine courts to extend the effect of a foreign divorce decree to a Filipino spouse without under going trial to determine the validity of the dissolution of marriage. Article 26 of the Family Code – which addresses foreign marriages or mixed marriages involving a Filipino and a foreigner – allows a Filipino spouse to contract a subsequent marriage in case the divorce is validly obtained abroad by an alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry. The provision states:   Article 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines in   accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were solemnized,   and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country, except those   prohibited under Articles 35(1), (4), (5) and (6), 36, 37 and 38.   Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated   and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating   him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall likewise have capacity to remarry   under Philippine law.   The case of Fujiki v Marinay elucidates the nature of Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Family Code, thus –    The second paragraph of Article 26 is only a corrective measure to   address the anomaly that results :from a marriage between a Filipino, whose   laws do not allow divorce, and a foreign citizen, whose laws allow divorce.   The anomaly consists in the Filipino spouse being tied to the marriage while   the foreign spouse is free to marry under the laws of his or her country. The   correction is made by extending in the Philippines the effect of the foreign   divorce decree, which is already effective in the country where it was rendered. In the landmark case of Republic v.Manalo, the Court emphatically declared that Article 26(2) of the Family Code only requires that there be a divorce validly obtained abroad capacitating the foreigner spouse to remarry, without regard as to who initiated it. Manaloinstructs that there must be a confluence of two elements in order for the second paragraph of the law to be validly applied, to wit: (1) there is a valid marriage that has been celebrated between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner; and (2) valid divorce obtained capacitating the parties to remarry regardless of the spouse who initiated the divorce proceedings.   Significantly, the Court clarified that pursuant to the majority ruling in Manalo, Article 26(2) applies to mixed marriages where the divorce decree is (1) obtained by the foreigner spouse; (2) obtained jointly by the Filipino and foreign spouse; and (3) obtained solely by the Filipino spouse.    Accordingly, the Court concluded that “the divorce obtained by petitioner abroad against her foreign husband, whether at her behest or acquiescence, may be recognized as valid in this jurisdiction so long as it complies with the documentary requirements under the Rules of Court. The text of Article 26(2) of the Family Code does not support a construction to limit recognition of foreign divorce decrees to those issued in judicialproceedings only. A plain reading of Article 26(2) of the Family Code reveals that it only requires that the divorce be “validly obtained abroad.” To insist that the divorce be obtained through judicial proceedings in

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Is concrete evidence required to convict a perpetrator? | XXX261049 vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES

Facts: In four criminal cases, XXX26l049 was charged with violation of Section 4(a) of RA No. 9995. AAA261049, BBB261049, and DDD261049 are sisters, while CCC261049 is their cousin. XXX261049 is their uncle, who frequented their house as he was tasked to supervise the ongoing renovation at that time. AAA261049 testified that on October 11, 2016, she saw her uncle enter the bathroom. After about five minutes, XXX261049 came out, prompting AAA261049 to get her hot water and take her turn in the bathroom. As she was preparing, she noticed a tiny light shining through a small hole in a Safeguard soap box on top of the shelf. Upon checking what was inside the soap box, she saw a Blackberry cellular phone with the video on for around nine minutes already. She immediately recognized the phone as XXX261049’s. Scared but curious, AAA261049 checked the recording and saw XXX261049 in the act of setting up the phone in the bathroom at the beginning of the video. Shocked at her discovery, she hastily deleted the video. She browsed further through the phone’s contents and saw several nude videos, not only of herself, but also those of BBB261049, DDD261049, and CCC261049, while taking a bath in the same area. With quick thinking this time, before she deleted the videos from XXX26l049 ‘s phone, AAA261049 hurriedly got her own phone and, thereafter, came back to capture snippets and stills of the malicious videos from XXX261049’s phone. Unfortunately, as she was rushing, AAA261049 was not able to capture a video or photo with DDD261049 in it. They then copied the nude stills from AAA261049’s phone to a DVD-R and made printed copies for evidentiary purposes. The next day, they reported the incident to the barangay. After trial, the RTC rendered the Joint Decision 24 dated February 8, 2019. In Criminal Case Nos. 18882, 18883, and 18884, the RTC found the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses, which were corroborated by the authenticated video and photos submitted in evidence, credible and sufficient to support a conviction for the violation of Section 4(a) of RA No. 9995. However, in Criminal Case No. 18885, the RTC found insufficient evidence to convict XXX261049 since no photo or video of DDD261049 was presented. On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTC Joint Decision in its entirety. Hence, this Petition. XXX261049 reiterates his acquittal since the pieces of evidence against him are entirely circumstantial and, as such, insufficient to justify his conviction. He argues that each circumstance relied upon by the courts a quo was solely hinged upon the incredible testimonies of the prosecution witnesses and that there was no proof to corroborate AAA261049’s claim that she saw XXX261049 in one of the videos, setting up the phone in the bathroom. Issue: Was XXX261049’s guilt for the violation of Section 4(a) of RA No. 9995 proven beyond reasonable doubt? Parsed from Sec. 4 of RA 9995, “photo or video voyeurism” is committed when: 1. The accused takes a photo or video coverage of a person or group of persons performing sexual act or any similar activity or captures an image of the private area of a person or persons such as the naked or undergarment-clad genitals, pubic area, buttocks or female breast; 2. The photo or video was taken without the consent of the person/s involved; and 3. The photo or video was taken under circumstances in which the person/s has/have a reasonable expectation of privacy. The Court affirms the uniform findings of the RTC and the CA on the existence of all these elements. First, it is undisputed that videos of AAA261049, BBB261049, and CCC261049 while taking a bath naked were captured through a built-in video recorder in a Blackberry phone. Anent the second element, there is no question that the malicious videos were taken without the consent of the victims because it was intentionally done in an unobtrusive manner, i.e., through a phone hidden in a soap box. As to the last element, needless to say, the videos were discreetly taken in a bathroom, i.e., under “circumstances in which a reasonable person would believe that he/she could disrobe in privacy, without being concerned that an image or a private area ofthe person was being captured or circumstances in which a reasonable person would believe that a private area of the person would not be visible to the public, regardless of whether that person is in a public or private place.” Contrary to XXX261049’s insistence, AAA261049’s failure to make a copy of the video which showed XXX261049’s face does not undermine the credibility of her testimony. “It is settled that there could be “no hard and fast gauge [to measure one’s] reaction or behavior when confronted with a startling, not to mention horrifying, occurrence x x x. Witnesses[, more so victims,] of startling occurrences react differently depending upon their situation and state of mind, and there is no standard form of human behavioral response when one is confronted with a strange, startling or frightful experience. x x x” Also, the lack of ill motive on the part of the prosecution witnesses further strengthens their credibility. Jurisprudence tells us that witnesses were not ill- motivated in testifying when there is no evidence of such ill or improper motive. Here, the Court finds XXX261049’s unfounded allegation, not only flimsy but scarcely credible, that the charges were stirred by the offended parties’ feeling of dislike towards their uncle because of being reprimanded for coming home late and refusing to help with the household chores. Truth be told, it is highly improbable that decent and professional women such as AAA261049 (a nurse), BBB261049 (an accountant), DDD261049 (a senior software engineer), and CCC261049 (a content editor) would concoct a sordid story and ridicule themselves and their family’s reputation on public trial simply because they did not like their uncle’s reproach. Verily, there is moral certainty that XXX261049 captured naked images of AAA261049, BBB261049, DDD261049, and CCC261049 through his phone. The above-enumerated circumstances were proven beyond reasonable doubt by the prosecution evidence; and such

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How should the backwages of an illegally dismissed employee be computed?: C.P. Reyes Hospital v Barbosa

G.R. 228357, 16 April 2024 Facts In September 2013, Barbosa signed a six-month probationary employment contract with C.P. Reyes Hospital. During this period, she would train as a Staff Nurse, then as a Ward Head Nurse, then as a Training Supervisor. However, on December 30, 2023, C.P. Reyes Hospital terminated her probationary employment, citing negative performance feedback. This prompted Barbosa to file a complaint for illegal dismissal against C.P. Reyes Hospital. The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of  Barbosa and ruled that she was illegally dismissed. The LA based its decision on the numerical passing marks given by Barbosa’s evaluators showing that she successfully met C.P. Reyes Hospital’s standards. The NLRC subsequently reversed the decision of the Labor Arbiter, but the Court of Appeals reinstated the Labor Arbiter’s ruling in favor of Barbosa. Barbosa filed a petition for review on certiorari with the Supreme Court. Issues: Ruling The Supreme Court ruled that Barbosa was illegally dismissed; and hence, entitled to backwages. Probationary employment may be terminated when the employee fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with reasonable standards made known by the employer to the employee at the time of engagement. However, in Barbosa’s case, the Court found her dismissal baseless since she obtained the passing grades needed to meet the standards for regularization based on the probationary employment contract. On the other hand, the Court found C.P. Reyes Hospital’s claims of unsatisfactory performance as ungenuine as they were only issued two weeks after Barbosa had already been terminated and without an accompanying performance evaluation. As Barbosa was illegally dismissed, she is entitled to reinstatement, full back wages, and other benefits. The Court clarified that illegally dismissed probationary employees, like regular employees, are entitled to backwages up to their actual reinstatement and not only until the end of their probationary period. In case reinstatement is not feasible, backwages shall be computed from the time compensation was withheld up to the finality of the Decision in the illegal dismissal case. The Court held that both the Constitution and the Labor Code did not distinguish between regular and probationary employees in guaranteeing the right to security of tenure. It added that the mere lapse of the probationary period without regularization does not by itself sever the employment relationship. Without any valid grounds to dismiss a probationary employee, there is no basis to terminate the employment. Thus, the employee is entitled to work even beyond the probationary period. The Court thus ruled that in Barbosa’s case, backwages should be computed from January 1, 2014, when compensation was withheld from her, until the finality of the Court’s decision.

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What makes a quitclaim invalid? Naldo et al. v. Corporate Protection Services, Phils., Inc. (CORPS) and/or Buddy Robrigado and Benjamin Sesgundo

Facts Petitioners Domingo Naldo, Jr., Rogelio Benitez, Isidro Alfonso, Jr., Ronaldo Ledda, Bernardo Fabulare, Armando De Luna, and Nelson Villacentino (collectively, petitioners) were security guards of respondent Corporate Protection Services, Phils, Inc. (CORPS) assigned to Tarlac and Cabanatuan City. Petitioners stated that CORPS required them to work 12 hours a day, every day, including regular and special holidays and their scheduled rest days. Despite this, they claim that they did not receive their regular or special holiday pay, rest day pay, service incentive leave pay, 13th month pay, and Emergency Cost of Living Allowance (ECOLA) from CORPS. They also stated that CORPS would deduct certain amounts of money from their salaries per month for trust fund savings and as cash bond. During their conciliation-mediation conference before the NCMB to discuss their grievances, a representative of CORPS offered to pay all their money claims if the employees submitted signed resignation letters. Relying on this, the employees complied. CORPS also made them sign separate quitclaims. However, upon receiving the checks the petitioners soon discovered that they only covered the amounts of trust fund savings and cash bonds. The employees tried to return the checks, but CORPS explained that the checks for the remaining money claims, which were still being processed, would follow. This was reflected in the Minutes of the proceedings. When the employees showed up for work the next day, their supervisors prevented them, claiming they had already supposedly resigned. By the end of the month, CORPS still had not given them checks for the remaining money claims, and they were not allowed to report for duty. CORPS still did not pay the employees’ money claims as promised, and the employees were still not allowed to report for duty. The employees then filed a complaint against CORPS for nonpayment of salary and benefits and constructive illegal dismissal. The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint, ruling that the employees voluntarily signed the quitclaims and the resignation letters, and that there was no clear proof that they were signed under duress. They are thus barred from seeking further claims against CORPS. Aggrieved, petitioners filed a Memorandum of Appeal with the NLRC. The NLRC ruled that while the petitioners had no intention to resign, there was still no illegal dismissal as CORPS had never dismissed the petitioners in the first place. The NLRC also held that there was a mere miscommunication between the parties as to the money claims. The NLRC ordered petitioners to return to work and ordered CORPS to accept them. Both parties were not satisfied with this ruling and both filed their Motions for Reconsideration, but they were both denied by the NLRC in a Resolution.  Both the petitioners and CORPS then filed their Petitions for Certiorari with the CA. In its Petition for Certiorari, CORPS claimed that the petitioners were guilty of forum shopping. Forum shopping is the term for petitioners taking their legal case in whichever court they believe is most likely to provide the judgment they want. CORPS also claimed that the petitioners were barred from filing a complaint because of their quitclaims, which are an acknowledgment that the petitioners’ money claims had all been paid. According to the CA, the petitioners were not guilty of forum shopping, as they had filed a Request for Assistance with the DOLE NCMB through the Single-Entry Approach (SEnA). All labor disputes, with certain exceptions, are required to undergo SEnA as a mandatory procedure prior to the filing of a labor complaint. Thus, availing of SEnA and later on filing a complaint before the NLRC does not amount to forum shopping. The CA also ruled that the resignation letters and quitclaims were invalid, as they were not made voluntarily. Still, the CA agreed with the NLRC that there was no illegal dismissal, and as such, the payment of back wages could not be given as a matter of course. Aggrieved, petitioners moved for reconsideration, but were denied by the CA, hence this Petition. Issues The issues for the Court’s resolution are: Ruling 1. The Supreme Court ruled that the quitclaims that the employees signed were void for being executed by CORPS with an intent to defraud. The Court reiterated that for a quitclaim to be valid, (a) there must be no fraud or deceit on the part of any parties; (b) the consideration for the quitclaim is credible and reasonable; and (c) the contract is not contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals or good customs, or prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law. The employer bears the burden to prove that the quitclaim constitutes a credible and reasonable settlement of what an employee is entitled to recover, and that the one accomplishing it has done so voluntarily and with full understanding. In this case, the employees signed the quitclaims with the honest belief, based on CORPS’ assurances, that they would be paid their money claims in full, as supported by the Minutes of their conciliation-mediation conference. The Minutes show that the CORPS representative expressly stated that management would reconcile the employees’ other claims. The Court found that both parties were aware that there were pending money claims to be reconciled and that the checks did not represent the entire amount due to the employees. The employees likewise did not accept the checks with the intention of forgoing all other money claims against CORPS. 2. The Court also ruled that CORPS constructively dismissed the employees. It is apparent from the facts that CORPS’ representative assured the employees that they would be paid their money claims if they submitted their resignation letters and signed the pro forma quitclaims.  In the instant case, CORPS, through fraud, induced the employees into signing resignation letters and quitclaims. In doing so, CORPS attempted to disguise the employees’ dismissal as a voluntary termination of employment.Accordingly, the Petition is GRANTED. CORPS is hereby ordered to reinstate the petitions and to pay each of the petitioners their backwages; overtime pay, holiday pay, rest day premium,

What makes a quitclaim invalid? Naldo et al. v. Corporate Protection Services, Phils., Inc. (CORPS) and/or Buddy Robrigado and Benjamin Sesgundo Read More »

Is it illegal to fire an employee for testing positive for HIV?: Bison Management Corp vs AAA

Facts Bison is the recruitment agency that deployed AAA to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as an OFW. AAA was hired by Bison as a Cleaning Laborer under a two-year contract and was deployed to Saudi Arabia on October 18, 2017. In January of 2019, after working for fifteen months, AAA underwent routine medical examination and was found positive for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). As a foreign employer, Bison terminated AAA’s employment, as under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an HIV+ individual is considered unfit to work. He was sent back to the Philippines on February 8, 2019. The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint for illegal dismissal, but ruled that AAA is entitled to his unpaid salary from January 26, 2019 to February 7, 2019, vacation leave pay, and attorney’s fees. The Labor Arbiter decreed that the laws of Saudi Arabia, which state that an HIV+ individual is considered unfit to work, is “a state prerogative of the KSA which deserves our respect.” Further, they also postulated that Republic Act No. 8504, or the “Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998” is a “local law” that should apply only “within our jurisdiction and not to KSA.” In response, AAA filed a Memorandum of Partial Appeal before the NLRC. Contrary to the Labor Arbiter’s finding, the NLRC found that AAA was illegally dismissed. The NLRC denied the motion for reconsideration filed by Bison. Because of this, Bison filed a petition for certiorari before the CA. The CA agreed with the NLRC that Philippine law governs the terms of the employment contract as well as the rights of the employee. This conclusion stems from the principle of lex loci contractus, meaning “law of the place where the contract is made.” The CA reasoned that since the law “categorically prohibits the use of a person’s HIV+ condition as a ground for dismissal,” there was no valid cause to terminate AAA. The CA denied Bison’s motion for reconsideration, causing Bison to file a Petition for Review. Issue Bison argues that the CA erred in applying the principle of lex loci contractus rather than the principle of pacta sunt servanda in resolving the legality of AAA’s dismissal. Pacta sunt servanda means “agreements must be kept,” meaning that parties are required to honor their agreements and obligations. Ruling The Court will not engage in an academic discussion on the principle of pacta sunt servanda where the case is essentially one for illegal dismissal of an OFW. Under Section 49(a) of Republic Act No. (RA) 11166, or the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act, it is unlawful for employees to be terminated from work on the sole basis of their HIV status. Since Philippine law prohibits the use of a person’s HIV-positive condition as a ground for dismissal, there was no valid cause to terminate AAA. Further, if the foreign law stated in the employment contract contradicts Philippine law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy, then Philippine law shall apply. In this case, even if it is proven that Saudi Arabian law prohibits workers who test positive for HIV, RA 11166 takes precedence over it for being against Philippine law. 

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Is This a Violation of Right to Privacy?: Christian Cadajas vs People

The case of Christian Cadajas vs People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 247348, raises several issues that are deserving of separate discussions. For now, we shall focus on the issue of the violation of one’s right to privacy. Facts Christian Cadajas met the victim, AAA, in the canteen where he works. At the time, he was 24 while AAA was 14. Their relationship began when AAA’s younger sibling told Cadajas that AAA had a crush on him. Cadajas tried to evade AAA, but then she began to stalk him and eventually sent a request in his Facebook Messenger, which he accepted. Cajadas and AAA would then begin exchanging messages on Facebook Messenger. Eventually, Cadajas courted AAA for two weeks, until they got together on April 2, 2016. AAA would borrow the cellphone of her mother, BBB, to access her own Facebook account. This is how BBB learned of the relationship in June 2016. She was then able to read their messages whenever AAA forgot to log out of her account. BBB disapproved of their relationship because AAA was still too young, but the couple ignored her admonishment. Sometime in October 2016, BBB was disheartened when she read that Cadajas was sexually luring her daughter into meeting with him in a motel. She confronted Cadajas and told him to stay away from AAA as she was still a minor. At around 5:30 in the morning of November 18, 2016, BBB was shocked to find out that Cadajas had been coaxing her daughter into sending him photos of her own breasts and vagina. AAA relented and sent Cadajas the photos he was asking. When AAA learned that her mother read their conversation, she rushed to a computer shop to delete her messages. BBB, however, was able to force her to open Cadajas’s Facebook Messenger account to get a copy of their conversation. Cadajas admitted to sending AAA messages such as, “oo ready ako sa ganyan,” and “sige hubad.” He, however, denied having sent AAA photos of his privates. On November 17, 2016, AAA asked Cadajas to delete their messages from his account. He even told her, “bakit kasi hindi ka pa nagtitino, hayan tuloy nakita ng mama mo.” On the same day, Cadajas broke up with AAA because her mother did not like him. Cadajas was charged for violation of Section 10(a) of R.A. No. 7610, also known as the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act. He was also charged for child pornography as defined and penalized under Section 4(c)(2) of R.A. No. 10175, known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012,  in relation to Sections 4(a), 3(b) and (c)(5) of R.A. No. 9775, known as the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009. One of the arguments raised by the petitioner concerns the admissibility of the evidence presented by the prosecution, which was taken from his Facebook messenger account. He claims that the photos presented in evidence during the trial of the case were taken from his Facebook messenger account. According to him, this amounted to a violation of his right to privacy, and therefore, any evidence obtained in violation thereof amounts to a fruit of the poisonous tree. Issue Is the evidence, which was taken from Cadajas’ Facebook messenger account, presented by the prosecution inadmissible, and therefore violated Cadajas’ right to privacy? Under the 1987 Constitution, the right of privacy is expressly recognized under Article III, Sec. 3 thereof, which reads: SECTION 3. (1) The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise as prescribed by law. (2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the preceding section shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.  While the above provision highlights the importance of the right to privacy and its consequent effect on the rules on admissibility of evidence, one must not lose sight of the fact that the Bill of Rights was intended to protect private individuals against government intrusions. Hence, its provisions are not applicable between and amongst private individuals. While the case of Zulueta v. Court of Appeals (Zulueta) may appear to carve out an exception to the abovementioned rule by recognizing the rule on inadmissible of evidence between spouses when one obtains evidence in violation of his/her spouse’s right to privacy, such a pronouncement tis a mere obliter dictum that cannot be considered as a binding precedent. This is because the petition brought to the Court in Zulueta simply asked for the return of the documents seized by the wife and thus, pertained to the ownership of the documents therein. Moreover, documents were declared inadmissible because of the injunction order issued by the trial court and not on account of Art. III, Sec. 3 of the Constitution. At any rate, violation of the right to privacy between individuals is properly governed by the provisions of the Civil Code, the Data Privacy Act (DPA), and other pertinent laws, while its admissibility shall be governed by the rules on relevance, materiality, authentication of documents, and the exclusionary rules under the Rules on Evidence. In this case, the photographs and conversations in the Facebook Messenger account that were obtained and used as evidence against Cadajas, which he considers as fruit of the poisonous tree, were not obtained through the efforts of the police officers or any agent of the State. Rather, these were obtained by a private individual. Indeed, the rule governing the admissibility of an evidence under Article III of the Constitution must affect only those pieces of evidence obtained by the State through its agents. It is these individuals who can flex government muscles and use government resources for possible abuse. However, where private individuals are involved, for which their relationship is governed by the New Civil Code, the admissibility of an evidence cannot be determined by the provisions of the Bill of Rights. Be that as it may, the act of AAA cannot be said to

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